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"Our values underpin our commitment to provide high quality person centered services to the people we support".

Our Values

At North West Community Services we have built our culture and working practices on our values

  • Dignity - We promote that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

  • Inclusive - We recognise and value differences within our society and ensure everyone can make a positive contribution.

  • Responsive - We are flexible and responsive to the needs of the people we support.

  • Empowering - We empower people to make choices and decisions that will help to shape their future.

  • Caring - We ensure our staff are trained with the skills and values to provide caring and compassionate support.

  • Transparent - We promote a culture of openness, trust and honesty, we do what is right and accept accountability when

    things go wrong

Our values underpin our commitment to provide high quality person centered services to the people we support. Our staff teams work in partnership with the people we support, their families and health professionals to develop safe, caring and responsive services to enable them to live the life they choose. We ensure that everyone at NWCS understands our values and that they apply them to their daily working practices.

Our Focus

We offer a broad range of care and support services to a diverse group of people who need additional support to live in the community. We pride ourselves on delivering personalised care and support which is safe, caring and responsive to the needs of the people we support.

Our services are delivered to people with a wide range of care and support needs

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Mental Health Needs

  • Acquired Brain Injury

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders

  • Substance Misuse

  • Frail and Elderly

  • Dual diagnosis and/or complex needs.

We are currently working with Local Authorities, the NHS and Personal Budget Holders receiving Direct Payments and providing our services to over 500 people. We employ 700 people to deliver our services to customers across the North West of England. 

Our History

North West Community Services was established in 1986 to support people with learning disabilities and complex mental health needs to live in the community. Working closely with a number of Health Authorities in the North West of England to provide support to people living in small registered care homes. As demand for our services increased we worked in partnership with the NHS and Local Authorities to develop our service


We place great emphasis on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults from serious harm and abuse, in all its forms.  We have developed our services to ensure 'best practice' and partnership working in relation to safeguarding the people we support.

We have established effective partnerships with key agencies in relation to safeguarding.  We have developed very clear policies and processes to deal with any safeguarding concerns that are raised. We promote a culture of openness where everyone feels safe and able to share any concerns. When someone raises a concern relating to safeguarding they are always listened to and taken very seriously.

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